not all who wander are lost.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Meesh, Me, Mick and more!

Woke up yesterday and Meesh and I moved our stuff over to where Mick is staying. It's lovely and a bit more relaxed than where we were staying before. We bopped around all day: shopping and eating. I stopped at the embassy to get my Indonesian visa and then we ate and shopped some more. The shopping and lodging here in thailand costs twice as much Cambodia. But the street food is the same price, or even a little cheaper, and it's way better than the street Khmer food! After dinner Meesh wanted to head back to the room to do some work- so Party Boy and I did a lap around town. How he got the name party boy, I don't remember (and it was GIVEN to him by ME)! Probably because hes the Life of the Party wherever he goes.But here's the thing about Mick: he doesn't drink (on the rare occasion maybe a beer or a whiskey and coca cola). He doesn't do drugs, no- not even marijuana. He sips on coca cola or water, and he is the life of the party...purely running on stoke and adrenaline. His idea of a good time is hanging out with friends; surfing, snowboarding, swimming, jumping, hiking...then BBQing and listening to some music. They go out to the bars dancing, but booze free. This past summer I went out dancing and the next morning someone said to me "oh my god, you were so drunk last night- dancing around like a lunatic". But, I wasn't drunk. In fact, I wasn't drinking at all. Only water. The misconception was that most people need to be drunk to have as much fun, and to be as carefree, as I can experience sober. So anyways, I'm walking around town with partyboy- talking about his love for party, and distain for "party". We smoked a little Sashish (flavoured tobacco out of a hookah) in town- a first for me and a favorite pastime of Micks. Some mellow, drugfree fun. Headed back to our place and the three of us laid in bed- relaxing and chatting until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer, and unable to complete a thought or sentence.

I woke up this morning next to Michele, and I just felt happy: inside and out. I was so fortunate to meet her the first time around in Costa Rica all those years ago, but I feel even more gratitude for the bit of time that we have together now in Thailand. There's people: bad people, decent people, people, alright people, good people, great people. And then you have people like Meesh. People that not only are good friends and good people, but that help to bring out and inspire the best in you. She's headed out tomorrow for Indonesia- but I'm thankful for the time we've had and I look forward to the good times we'll be having once I arrive in Indo next month!

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