Sunday, January 31, 2010
Running in the Moonlight.
Rocks and Croc's
Friday, January 29, 2010
Mucho Trabajo
Que Delicioso!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Feliz Cumpleanos Brooke y Bienvenidos Jeff and Sharon
Had to drop the truck off in Parrita yesterday for Inspection. You leave it with the mechanic and three days later you get it back. Boom. Brett and the Doctor came along - Brett driving his van all the way there in 1st gear (its the only gear that it would go into), and the Doctor starting up his car with a knife because the key broke off. At the mechanic we picked up Bretts OTHER car that had been worked on and dropped off 3 more cars (also, Cam's car arrived there the day before). I think that Brett and his friends single-handedly keep this guy in business. Anyways, I wanted to bake a cake for Brookes birthday to make it special, I know what it's like to spend your birthday away from friends and family and with her being new to town I thought that it was important. Asked Brett to drop by the MegaSuper and managed to find a box of chocolate cake mix, but there is no such thing as "icing" in I was forced to fend for myself. Made some creamcheese, sweetened condensed milk, powder sugar thing and tried to work it out. Everything was running later than I had hoped (surprise surprise, we are in Costa), so the cake was just coming out of the oven when I was supposed to be down the hill for the party. With my oven mits on holding the burning hot, freshly baked cake and Newman's leash tucked into my armpit we made the journey down the hill to Vagos. My hands were burning, Newman didn't understand why we were walking (I tried to explain my truck being at the shop) and all in all it was a complete friggin tacklebox. Got down the hill, iced the cooling cake, slapped some candles in it and hid it in the fridge. Jeff and Sharon rolled up to the bar the same time that Brook arrived, and shortly thereafter everyone headed in to sing Happy Birthday. It was supposed to be a suprise, but Shawn blabbed to Brooke when she arrived "Hey, you're so lucky, Cailin baked you a chocolate cake!" Way to ruin the surprise Shawnie! Oh well, the cake was delicious...lots of alcohol was consumed and several pizzas were devoured. Jeff and Sharon were stoked to finally arrive in paradise and were pretty stoked on their mini-cabina I had lined up for them.
Skip to this morning, Thursday. Yoga at 7am. I thought that it would be an empty class, but it filled up - even the slightly hungover birthday girl showed up!!! It was a great class followed by Marthas breakfast burritos and a windchopped surf. Even though it was some of the most awful surf we've had since I've arrived, Jeff Pace was stoked - grinning from ear to friggin ear. Oh man, we've created a monster. Tonight going to keep it low key and have some friends over for appetizers and some cold beers. Manana is the farmers market in Jaco and by late afternoon the tide should be right to catch a sunset surf session. Hopefully my car has passed inspection and will be back in my arms in the next day or two. Cross your fingers...on both hands.
Pura Vida.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
7pm...Sleepy Time.
After the Skype call to my mom I was feeling much better. I’m telling ya, if it wasn’t for Skype I would not be here in Costa right now…when we chat it’s like we are sitting in the same room! I was glad to hear that my Dad was doing well and that there were so many people who have come out to help my family. After our phone call I went down and swept my “yoga studio” @ Vago’s. The days class was muy tranquilo…we all had been surfing a ton and needed a mellow, deep-stretching, breathing-emphasized class. My friend Jeni Sinbrow was in class, a massage therapist who has spent many years of her life here in Oeste. We have an agreement to trade yoga classes for MASSAGE (lucky me)!!! So she offered to come pick me up on the hill mid-afternoon for my massage. Hooray. Before I was rubbed all the right ways we need to take care of some car-troubles. Car troubles you ask? Again, you ask? Yep. Who knew!? Costa Rica, the land of broken vehicles. Amazingly we had an honest mechanic who tested the battery and told us that it was fine (thank god, because a new battery here runs about $160). He told us to just clean the receptors, and that we might have replace a bad cable. No biggie. Woohooo! We stopped at the grocery store so Shawn could buy: literally every box they had of Raisin Bran, and 4 bottles of Agua de Pipa. He’s a simple man. Jeni picked me up @ 2:30 and we headed back to her mothers house. Eleanor has the BEST setup around. You can see the beach from her front porch, and the jungle is her backyard. She has two cabinas, that I have stayed at, a beautiful swimming pool and just good vibes flowing through the house. This house was one of the first on the hill and it’s just magical. Jeni set up her massage table on the back porch and then worked her magic for an hour. I was in heaven. When the massage was over I literally floated down the hill to John Dang’s going away party – where Jeni and I sipped refreshing white wine spritzers and semi-sangrias (boxed red wine, add some juice and a splash o’ seltzer). Both my boys were down there already – Shawn sippin’ on a beer and Newman stealing all the other dogs’ tennis balls. I was whooped from surfing and my heavenly massage, and Shawn was beat too. We called it a night around 6:30 and I was fast asleep by 7. My rule to atleast make it to 8pm simply could not be met! Woke up at 5am, had some pineapple (and so did Newman) and some Tea. The iPod is shuffling through some great tunes and I’m typing up this blog on Shawn’s computer. He’s giving me the “aren’t you done yet I want to check the waves” stare, so I need to get going. Pura Vida.
All We Need Is Love.

Atlantic City firefighter helps out in Haiti
MICHELLE LEE Staff Writer Posted: Monday, January 25, 2010
In his day job, Sven Peltonen spends his time rescuing people as an Atlantic City firefighter and as a Brigantine lifeguard and emergency medical technician.
Now, the 33-year-old Atlantic City resident is using all his skills as a volunteer earthquake relief worker in Haiti, helping orphans and making emergency food deliveries, according to his parents, Augie and Jane Peltonen, of Brigantine.
Peltonen, a rookie firefighter and 17-year lifeguard veteran, was on vacation from the fire department when he took off for his solo trip Jan. 16, four days after the 7.0-magnitude quake struck, Augie Peltonen said Sunday.
“He was watching CNN intently, and suddenly he disappeared,” Augie Peltonen said. “Then, suddenly, we got an e-mail from him saying he was on his way.”
According to Augie Peltonen, Sven’s e-mail said: “I’m off to another life-changing adventure. ... I know I can help people who need it. It’s going to be great to do this. This may be the greatest thing I do. I’m a little scared and nervous, but I think I’ll be fine. ... All we need is love.”
While Sven has traveled abroad before, Augie Peltonen said this was his son’s first time going into an emergency disaster zone, and he left with only a backpack, some clothing and antibiotics, steel-tipped work boots and a cell phone.
Augie Peltonen said Sven took a train to Philadelphia, caught a flight to Puerto Rico and another plane to the Dominican Republic. Sven managed to hook up with a rescue team from the Lifechurch mission of Allentown, Pa., on Jan. 17 and crossed the mountains by van into Haiti to help at an orphanage in Fond Parisien, Augie said. He later moved on to help with relief efforts in Port-au-Prince, the capital city near the epicenter of the earthquake.
The Peltonens said Sven has been text messaging his brother, John Comet, 23, and the family has been posting his messages on Facebook. They also have been learning about Sven’s work through reports by Channel 69 News of Allentown, Pa., and the Deseret News of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jane Peltonen said son Sven called them Thursday on a borrowed phone and told them he could not believe that emergency food and medical supplies were tied up at the airport. “We were all worried, what was he doing? We were afraid he’s by himself with no backup support, trying to give food to the people,” she said.
The Peltonen family later found out that Sven was safe and had joined another volunteer medical group organized by Jeremy Johnson, a Utah businessman and millionaire who brought his own jet, helicopter and rescue crews. The group has been helping out by transporting the injured, medical personnel and food supplies from dawn to dusk, according to the Deseret News.
“He’s a hero, that’s all I can say,” Augie said. “That’s the way he is, he’s selfless, he’s sensitive to humanity.”
Sven’s vacation ends Feb. 3, and Augie Peltonen and Comet said they are unsure when — or how — he would return.
Atlantic City fire Battalion Chief Robert Solari said he was not surprised by Sven’s humanitarian trip.
Solari, who has known Sven for 20 years both as a firefighter and lifeguard, said his friend “takes everything to heart, and he has a very giving and caring personality.”
“I’m sure he’s pouring his heart out, trying to help every individual,” Solari said.
Solari, who also is a Brigantine city councilman, said he looks forward to his return and to hearing his stories.
“We’‘ll certainly do something on City Council for recognition,” he said. “Then, Sven’s the type of person who wouldn’t expect it and not look for it. It’s something he’ll do (anyway). He sees a need and will address it.”
(Photos courtesy of Deseret News, Utah. Click here for the full gallery.)
Contact Michelle Lee:
Monday, January 25, 2010
Princess Poopooly
Princess Poopooly (Pupule) - words & music by Harry Owens
- Princess Poopooly has plenty papayas
- And she loves to give it away
- Now all of the neighbors they say
- Oh mea oh mya
- You really should try a little piece
- Of the Princess Poopooly's papaya
- Princess Poopooly's not truly unruly
- To pass out papayas each day
- For all of the neighbors they say
- She may give the fruit
- But she holds on to the root
- And so she has the fruit and the root to boot
- One bright Sunday afternoon
- It was field day in her papaya groves
- But I reached the gate an hour too late
- The customers were lined up in droves
- So let this be a warning
- Go early in the morning
- And it is true you'll never rue the day
- The Princess Poopooly has plenty papayas
- And she love to give it away
- I mean papaya
- She loves to give it away
Saturday, January 23, 2010

So, I gave Papaya a second chance. Andy Welker infamously named Papaya POO-Paya about 4 years ago in Dominical, sitting at Tortilla Flats. We were having breakfast accompanied with a fruit plate, half of which was papaya. LP, Andy and Me all agreed that this fruit is awful…Andy comparing it to a flavor combination of Poo and Swiss Cheese. “POOPAYA” he yelled! The name stuck, and the thought of poo and swiss haunt me everytime I see a poopaya, I mean papaya. Well, everything down these parts is served with limon, including fruit platters. Squeezing a bit of this lime on a banana takes it to a WHOLE other level of deliciousness, so with Shawn’s encouragement I was sure that it could help out the struggling PooPaya as well. The affection came gradually, definitely not something that happened over night – but now, saturated with lime juice, I can proudly say that I love Papaya. Papaya – you are PooPaya no more!
Julia and Drunken Iggy.
Saturday afternoon, I’m a dozen pages into “My Life In France” by Julia Child and already I’m drooling, completely in awe of someone who shares my insatiable passion for good food and beverage. An excerpt:

“I closed my eyes and inhaled the rising perfume. Then I lifted a forkful of fish to my mouth, took a bite, and chewed slowly. The flesh of the sole was delicate, with a light but distinct taste of the ocean that blended marvelously with the browned butter. I chewed slowly and swallowed. It was a morsel of perfection. …And I tasted my first real baguette – a crisp brown crust giving way to a slightly chewy, rather loosely textured pale-yellow interior, with a faint reminder of wheat and yeast in the odor and taste. Yum! We followed our meal with a leisurely dessert of fromage blanc and ended with a strong, dark café filter.”
Dear Julia Child, I love and respect you. We’ve been doing a bit of our own ‘cheffing’ around here, as I’m sure you’ve already caught on to. Tonight I believe we are having a shrimp and sausage fra diavlo pasta dish, compliments of Chef Iggy. It’s a shame that he missed out on our dinner last night, but atleast he made it up this morning for the surf. We headed out around 6am and were in the water by 6:45. Ig was a bit tired and a bit hungover, but happy to be in paradise, in beautiful waves in beautiful water. Susie got her complimentary cup of coffee at the local hotel for being such a good “guest” and we traded off some solid sized waves from this new swell. I drove there and back…no one died and there was no whip-lash which is good. I’m “relearning” how to drive the truck (1973 Toyota Land Cruiser w/ no power brakes and no power steering). We’ve had a tranquilo afternoon, trying to stay out of the intense sun and heat that Costa Rica sends with all her fury. It’s usually safe to reenter the sunshine around 3 or 4. Susan of course is outside baking herself like a roast in the 100degree blazing sun. Iggy just left to try his luck at fishing, and Newman and I have been coming up with a yoga routine for this Monday’s class. Shawn and I both came to the agreement today that Newman is officially the best dog ever. Literally. The BEST DOG EVER. He cuddles me in the morning, lies alongside my mat when I do yoga, eats the leftover fruits and veggies, and listens to everything I say. The three of us are going to head down to the beach pretty soon to meet up with Sue and Ig, throw the ball around a bit and maybe have a club soda. Life is tough in paradise.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Livin' In the Hills of Esterillos.
Adam left today. It is Wednesday January 20th. He will be returning around the first of March. He left his best friend in the whole world under my care, Newman….a decent sized golden retriever/Chesapeake bay retriever mix. Newman is smart as hell, loving, adorable and fierce. He doesn’t miss a beat, and that includes unwanted people walking down the street afterhours. I feel very safe in Adam’s beautiful home protected by his beautiful dog. As soon as he left I opened all the windows, cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen, the floors, the fridge and the porch. Newman just followed me around, posting up wherever I was cleaning at the moment. Decided to take a break this morning from surfing, and just focus on some rest and putzing around the house. Shawn is leaving in one week to join Adam on a journey from Houston, Texas down through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua all the way to Esterillos Oeste, Costa Rica. SO, Shawn had to get some ducks in order as well. It’s not ALL fun and games in Paradise….
Went to CrackHoe this afternoon. Oh, did I say “Crack Hoe”? I meant to say JACO. Anyways, did some food shopping and stopped for a treat at the Fish Taco bar. They have ginormous, delicious, refreshing Limonada’s and kickass hummus with fresh baked pitas. Came home just in time to unload the groceries, play with Newman and give Newman a bath. “A bath?” you ask…yes, well Newmans only bad habit is running away after monkeys that live in the backyard. Sure enough, Shawn let him out, he sees a monkey and off he went into the jungle. That friggin bastard, I was ready to kill em! He came back, with his favorite ball in his mouth, wagging his tail – completely out of breath and soaked…filthy from head to tail. Lucky me, my mother is a dog groomer – so I have some skills when it comes to cleaning a dirty dog. Now, not only was Newman happy because he had chased a monkey, but he still had his favorite ball in his mouth and he was nice and clean (this dog loves baths. I know, odd). Went for a sunset surf and was delighted with perfect waist high peelers…no one else out except for me, Les and Vago. We took turns in the lineup for a while before people caught onto our good time, 20 tico kids paddling out and some gringos too. An ice cold club soda (with a glass of ice and limes) and then Shawn and I hauled ass back to the house for SHRIMP FRA DIAVLO. I sautéed the shrimp in garlic, onions, olive oil, salt + pepp, and some cayenne and red pepper flakes. Some diced tomatoes and a dash of pasta sauce and we were ready to rumble. Shawn left shortly after for Poker (Wednesday nights are poker nights @ Mike & Marthas…5Mil buy in). I stayed at the house to hang with Newman and Shiva Rea. Shiva Rea is a GODDESS in the yoga world…basically trailblazing FLOW YOGA. I watched her DVD Lunar Flow Yoga and looked for some inspiration for tomorrows 10am class. I’m struggling a bit with the conflict of teaching to a very varied group of yogis. Some are VERY new beginners, others very experienced veterans. To flow or not to flow? This is the question…. I think that Shiva may be a bit too eccentric and flowy for the Soda Mary boys, but who knows, maybe with time they will grow to love it like I do. Wish me luck. Namaste.
Jan 21st:
Surfed this morning at a beach break close by that will remain unnamed. It was perfect, clean and shoulder high (this is measured by SHAWNS shoulders, not mine). There were 3 people in the lineup for as FAR as the eye could see. Literally. Cam, Shawn and Me...and no one else in either direction for miles and miles. Pura Vida. Came home, ate a shrimp taco for breakfast, played with Newman and then headed down to da ghetto to teach Yoga @ VAGOS. Had a huge crew come out and Susan and Iggy rolled up during class. Woohooo. Town is filling up, tourists are pouring in, and HIGH SEASON has begun!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Help In Haiti.

It's been difficult to grasp the magnitude of devastation currently in Haiti. There are already 100,000 dead and the number is rising every day. In this voodoo-infused country where burial ceremonies are sacred, the dead are just being thrown into mass graves....unidentified. When the tsunami hit asia several years ago, efforts were taken to photograph the dead, in hopes of identifying them later for family, friends and records. This is simply impossible in Haiti, due to the concentration and sheer greatness of destruction. In the hours, days, weeks and months to come people will die of starvation & dehydration. There is and will continue to be looting and murder and mayhem. The severity of it all leaves me feeling so helpless, as I'm sure many of you are also experiencing. The least that I can do at this moment is to send money, along with my personal prayers. My dear friend Sven Peltonen is an Atlantic City Fireman and Brigantine Beach Patrol lieutenant. Many of you know him also as my fellow musician, accompanying me on the djembe...always bringing an alive, positive energy to every show. Sven has gone so far as to fly to Dominican Republic and cross the border into Haiti with any and all supplies that he could rally. He is helping out at an orphange, working alongside doctors and nurses. It takes great courage to walk into the face of this monster...something I know that I should do, but am simply too afraid to go. So, bless all of the lost, injured, devastated souls ... and may the volunteers be safe and swift. Hug your parents, hug your dog, be thankful for the food you eat and the home where you sleep .... it can all be taken away in an instant.
Millions of people are homeless, missing or worse. And they need your help. There are many ways to donate money, including through the Daily News Charities Inc.
Here is a list of organizations which have been highly rated by the American Institute of Philanthropy through which you can aid those in need in Haiti:
To donate money through Daily News Charities Inc., which will send every dollar directly to relief organizations who are leading the rescue and recovery efforts in Haiti, please send your check, cash or money order to:
Daily News Charities Inc.
GPO 3309
New York, NY 10116
Make your check or money order payable to: Daily News Charities Inc.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Panamanian Paradise
In the mountains of Panama the weather reminds me of Fall on the East Coast. Cool in the morning, warm during the daytime, cool as the sun goes down and cold just in time for bed - so you can cuddle up under a big blanket. There weren't as many bugs as there are here in Oeste, but the few that were there found me. I promise you, if you don't want to get bitten by any bugs - then take me along with you. They flock to me like bees to honey. I had some big welts on my legs and arms, but it was well worth my few days in paradise. The cows, the macaw, the dogs, the river, the views, the food, the family -- made for an epic trip. Our last night in town Spike & Wendy had us over for a lovely dinner at their house, and it felt right at home. Here are just a few photos from our time away. Enjoy.

We did Yoga (and so did the Macaw)

Saturday, January 16, 2010
African Mountain Man, In Panama...
Let me rephrase that... WOW.
We are having QUITE the adventure thanks to Juan. These damn mountains are just so damn charming, they enchant me more and more with every clean, fresh breath that I take and the beach is seeming such a distant thought. Who knows where the next few years will take me, and in the meantime, I'm just enjoying the ride.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Don´t Wear Shorts In Panama.

We are here in Panama. Larry, Jeni, Pat and Myself. It was somewhat of a mini-journey to get here, but we arrived. Surprise, it´s festival week. Town is packed, lodgings are all full to capacity, and the party goes long into the night. The festival: it´s for Flowers & Coffee. I didn´t know that flower and coffee fans were such partiers, but hey - we are in central america...any excuse to drink is fully exploited. I feel lost without my Lonely Planet Panama book - I swear, these books are as valuable as gold when you are traveling in a foreign country that is, well...foreign to you. Found a cute eclectic totally random hostal to stay in last night. It was a tad cramped, Pat and I sharing a twin bed, Jeni in a twin next to us...Larry bunking up with two guys across the hall. I party outside went long into the night, and it was as if the very festival were in our own room. I slapped on some headphones and drifted off to sleep. The ladies weren´t as lucky and had a rough nights sleep. The good thing about our random abode is that it has HOT water. I´m talking scolding fucking hot, hotter than boiling water. And if it´s not boiling hot, it´s ice cold. All in all though, I was stoked to have a hot shower - because it is COLD here. I packed for a tropical location, silly pants, only shorts...but thankfully I threw a pashmina and a long sleeve cardi in my bag right before I left. We went out to dinner last night and for a stroll through town and I wore shorts. Not a good idea. I was getting stares from old ladies, young men, little children and mama´s hauling around their army of kids. Bah. Goddamn shoobie! Who knows, maybe they were staring at me because I had mascara all over my face? The mirror in our bathroom is for someone who is about 6 feet tall....standing on my tippy toes I can barely even see the top of my head.
The plan was to go horseback riding today and to the hot springs, and tomorrow to go white water rafting - though I think that plans have now changed. Pat has a friend who lives up in the mountains, about an hour or so from where we are now. She thinks he would be hospitable and let us stay at his house. It would be nice...I doubt that there is a loud drunken music flower-coffee festival going on in his backyard that would require ear plugs and a strong dose of Nyquil.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
How To Clean A Yoga Mat
1. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil, two drops of peppermint oil, and two drops of lavender oil to distilled water. Mix thoroughly and place the solution in a spray bottle.
2. In a spray bottle, filled with distilled water, combine 1 tablespoon witch hazel (antiseptic) with 2 or 3 drops of grapefruit seed extract (anti-fungal) and a total of 10 drops of essential oils. You can use just one essential oil, or a combination of 3 or 4. Recommended combinations are: tea tree oil (anti-fungal), lavender (antibacterial and relaxing), citrus or sweet basil (energizing), lavender chamomile and vanilla; coconut grapefruit lime, chamomile and ylang ylang; tea tree coriander thyme and chamomile.
3. In a spray bottle, combine one part water, three parts white vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wastin' Away in Margaritaville
Yoga Class, Yesterday Morning. Too much fun and way too funny. In the class were the Texas Boys {Pelon, Diaz, and Steve}, Soda Mary Crew {Brett, Adam, Les, Lee, and Shawn}, the Lovely Ladies {Pat, Jeni, and Maria} and some newcomers {Andy, Reds, and Johanna}. Boom. 14 students, not bad. For some the class was a bit advanced, and for a few it was a bit slow - but all in all, I stressed to work at your own pace and listen to your body. Slow it down if necessary, and take it to the next level if you'd like. Adam complained about his balls a few times, and Lester Earl made some fake fart noises when we were all in compromising positions, but Zen was essentially attained during our 10 minute Savasana {when there were THANKFULLY no trash trucks}. To follow-up our early morning yoga session, we trekked down to the semi-secret spot for a mid-morning surf session. No bueno. Long walk, long paddle out, just so-so waves....I almost died on the walk back, with the sun beating down on me without mercy. We made it back to Adam's and I whipped up some breakfast burritos. Tortillas with beans, scrambled eggs, bacon, avocado, jalapenos, tomatoes and sliced cabbage marinated in lime with cilantro. VaVaVoom, life is good. Early evening the whole rowdy crew headed up to Vago's amazing house on Canada Hill, with a beautiful view of the surrounding coast and a fancy-schmancy pool. Les brought up his Jimmy Buffet signature "Margaritaville" margarita machine and goddamn, it was a party. As the night continued on and we ran out of fresh limes he began using anything at his disposal...OJ, pineapple juice, and even lemon-lime gatorade. Lagarto was manning the grill - cookin up some sausages, chicken and burgers...all that were topped with Margot's outstanding, so delicious, lick-your-fingers-good homemade bbq sauce {margot is vago's beautiful wifey}. We were loading the grilled sausages onto hotdog buns with pickled jalapenos and some of Margot's sauce....oh-my-sweet-jesus. By 730 it was approaching my bedtime, so I fell asleep in a huge tub {like the ones we use for tubing in the back bays @ home}. Adam woke me up and drove us home in the golf cart, and I fell asleep the second I walked in the door. This morning I was up at quarter after 5, put on my headphones and some Bonobo, and did YOGA. I was just about finished, lying in reclining bound angle, when I hear Adam rip a LOUD fart. Yes, his fart was so loud that I could hear it outside, through a closed door, and over the music pumping through my ipod. At that time I wrapped it up, came inside, and all of us caffeine junkies sat around sipping cafe and making "TO DO" lists for the day and the upcoming week. Without a "TO DO" list, nothing seems to get done....
Anyways, we are all sittin around Soda Stinky at the moment, gettin ready to go to Tres Piscinas {a nearby waterfall}. The cars will be loaded to the top with people and lots of beer, and we may even make it to the Tilapia Farms. Tonight is a pool party and BBQ @ Reds' condo. He is whippin up some shrimp and fish, and making the fixings for tacos. Wooohooo, I can't wait for a night of rest.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back In The Groove
Headed to Jeni's house on the hill for a BBQ, I made some Salsa and the boys are bringing burgers. I imagine that with a few more beers {the guys have been drinking since breakfast} that there will be some nude cannonballs in Jeni's pool. Lucky me, or should I say lucky YOU, I remembered my camera today....
Friday, January 8, 2010
Noah Da Flame

I met Noah last year in Dominical on my birthday. He is really great friends with my friend Taylor, who owns the bar Que Nivel in Dominical, and she hosted my 22nd birthday party there last March. Anyways - Noah is a really wonderful person and a FABULOUS musician. He is a reggae-man! Noah recently signed with a Jamaican label, and he has the music circuit in Costa Rica in his pocket. The beauty of Noah's music and what makes him different from other reggae musicians around here is that he doesn't write about guns or drugs or screwing chicks...he sings about love and life and the beauty that surrounds us. Anyways, haven't seen Noah in a year - and go figure, I'm walking down the street towards the beach and Noah pops his head outta the car and yells "CAILIN!". Ha. What a small world. We sat down, caught up...talked mostly about music and surfing. It was such a treat to run into him, and hopefully he will be on the radio near YOU someday soon (hes already on the radios around here). Check him out, I know you'll love it.
Tio Pelon
Monday, January 4, 2010
Carpe Diem 2010!
Click here to view photos