Brian Ruxton (aka "Hank") and I have been great friends and surf buddies since the 4th grade. Brian is an amazing chef (he has worked as a chef at Braca's Cafe in Sea Isle City for several years now) and has finally branched out on his own. Just last year he made his delicious hot sauces available for the masses: Hank Sauce (there are four varieties that are always available, with more being added into the rotation). With his two best friends and business partners, Josh and Matt, they have opened up a Florida-Mexican restaurant in SIC on 86th street (across from BUSCH'S) offering up some delicious food. It is DEFINITELY in it's early stages. The restaurant is bare bones, no decorations, and theres barely a sign outside that lets you know its open. But all that will come before summer hits, and details aside - the food speaks for itself. The benefit is that you have all of the delectable hank sauces at your disposal. The star on the menu, as far as I'm concerned, is the "Ahi tuna Roll". Sesame seared ahi with Brians amazing mango salsa, and lettuce in a burrito wrap, sliced to look like sushi. I recommend using the Cilanktro hot sauce on this one - it is finger licking good. Please show your support and head in for a bite if you can...the boys have worked so hard to make this dream come alive. 8605 Landis Ave, Sea Isle.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Garden Maintenance 101
After all the rain we had, Mom and I had a teeny bit of damage control to take care of in the garden. As with all things concerning my mother, it can't happen NOW, it needs to happen RIGHT NOW. So, despite being in my robe - making my morning cup of tea - she insisted that the work needed to be done RIGHT NOW. She put one of my dads jackets on me, and I slid into my boots, fresh juice still in hand, and out we went. First things first though - she wanted to show me her new compost 'barrel'. Woohoo, exciting stuff! Then we checked on the snap peas, some of which were uncovered and just need a little dirt to cover them. The lettuces we stored under the pool deck so thankfully they didn't get too much water. And then, the onions - which you need to be careful with too much moisture - nobody likes a rotten onion. So we put the bin up on bricks so that it could drain properly. Just another morning at the Callahan's house....
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Food for Thought.
Last night after my day of departure [from my juice cleanse] Brad, Ro and I huddled up on the couch and watched two epic food documentaries: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives.
Both were super informative and entertaining, but Forks over Knives was LIFE-CHANGING. I already adhere to a healthy diet...the meat we eat has been killed by my parents, the seafood we eat has been snatched from the sea by our own hands, and the produce we eat is a product of our backyard garden. We abstain from most dairy, and when we do indulge it is from free range, organic, Grass-Fed cows. My biggest weakness: french fries....which I'm trying to get under control. After seeing both of these documentaries I am re-inspired to get back on track with my juice cleanse for just a few more days. I'm not planning to juice forever-- but I definitely plan to make sure that ONE fresh juice makes it into my day EVERY day. I don't like people who preach - so I don't plan on preaching it here and now...all I can say is please, please, please do your body, you friends and family, and yourself a huge favor and watch Forks over Knives. We all deserve to be the healthiest and most vibrant beings possible - if not for yourself, at least for your loved ones.
Oh...and for those of you out there with all of the excuses:
"I don't have time to prepare good food":
Eating a plant-based and whole foods diet can add an extra 5-10 years on your life, so in gratitude to all that extra time you can take a little time out of your day to eat healthy.
"Buying organic, whole foods, and vegetables costs too much money" :
Not only will you be saving money by not having to visit the doctor, saving yourself from operations, medications, and rehabilitations: but you only have ONE body. ONE. That's it. Why do you spend $200 on a dress to put on the outside when you aren't taking care of what's inside?
The cost of having a heart-attack: $56,000.
The cost of juicing for one day: $18.
The cost of juicing organic for one day: $28.
Back on Track!!! Woke up at 7am and sliced up a batch of juice for me and for my Dad.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I'm Clean.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Support the Locals
The next business I want to promote is Rodney and Sons auto repair on rt.83. My truck has been giving me some problems lately, so I took it in for them to look at. They had it for two days- running every test and driving it all over- trying to find out the mysterious quirk. When I went to pick it up, I had no bill. Also, after dropping my moms truck off (it's been that kind of week), Rodney told us that if we needed anything-- anything at all, to give a shout and he'd be happy to help.
It's the love and support of the local community that helps us get through the days, and it's important for us all to lift each other up and support one another. So next time you need some
Veggies or hot sauce- head to Fresh for Less. And if car troubles are the problem, Rodney and Sons is the place to go.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Drink To Your Health!

- known for its anti-inflammatory properties
- natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent (can be used on cuts and burns)
- natural liver detoxifier
Monday, March 19, 2012
Spring Cleaning.
And now for the news: it's time for a Spring Cleaning. My body has been working so hard for me lately, and I've decided to reward it with a cleanse. Day 1 (today) and Day 2 will be preparation...just fruits and veggies. Then a full week of juice, before a week of vegan and then back to vegetarian (and meat from my parents kills). No caffeine, no alcohol. Lots of herbal tea, senna tea, and fresh made vegetable juices. Supplements, hot ginger water with lemon and water water water.
Spring has sprung...enjoy the sunshine everyone :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Infinite Tomorrows.
Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. He then sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived. -- the Dalai Lama
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Cadbury Eggs.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Rotatilling Time.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Avocado Egg Bowl
Preheat oven to 400.
Slice avo in half.
Scoop a bit of avo out to make room for egg.
Crack egg into the lil avo bowl.
Salt and pepp.
Bake, eat and enjoy.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Henna Party.
Well, it wasn't really so much of a Henna PARTY, because there was only three of us. And it was pretty mellow. And i was so beat up from my exciting birthday weekend that I slept through half of my henna-ing. So, lets call it a Henna Social Gathering of sorts. Kristin (Ro's sister, who just returned from India) applied henna on Rochelle and myself. The henna smells a bit and it takes a while to apply, so godbless Kristin for spending nearly two hours working on us. I had a headache from the smell (or was that from all the champagne I consumed over the weekend...?), so I'm SURE that she did too. After it was applied and had dried a bit she dabbed sugar water all over it and then I went to sleep with it on. It's pretty light on my arm, but the design on my palm is a deep, rich, earthy red. So beautiful. Thanks to Kristin for the super sweet design :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Birthday Girl.
Hipstamic app on iPhone for all the hipsters out there....Ha. Me, enjoying my signature cocktail before heading out for dinner.
Leave it to us, all EIGHT of us, to only take 4 f*ing pictures on my amaazzzing day-after-Birthday celebration!! As if my actual birthday celebrations weren't enough, all of my beloved friends (and yoga students) planned a beautiful dinner for me on the 4th at Cafe Vola's in Atlantic City. This institution-of-a-restaurant is old school Italian. It is on an unassuming street, in a basement of an unassuming house. Yep, a basement. With only one little sign to assure you that you were indeed headed into an eatery. We ate and ate and ate, and then we ate a little bit more. We consumed gallons of red wine, giggled like crazy, and enjoyed yet another evening in one anothers company. Thank you so much to Bridget, Rochelle, Kylee, Coleen, Megan, Kaitlin, and Samantha for making "my day" a very special day.
Rochelle, sipping on a "Cailin" at Bridgets house before we head out....
Kylee and I, RED WINE.
Bridget and I, stained lips from red wine and full bellies. Life is good.