Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tsunami Warning..Run For VAGOS!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Not Now, Right Now.

Friday, February 19, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
JammieD is in da houseeee!!!
Muy excited.
Monday, February 15, 2010
You Can't WIPE This Smile Off My FACE.

Yesterday was Valentines Day...and the day after Mardi Gras. I laughed and laughed all day long as I remembered bits and pieces of the day and night before. I woke up a bit hungover and my ear infection was getting worse. Headed to La Sirena for some coffee with Jeni and Brett and then came down to the beach and bumped into Sean & Roni, Suzie, Pat and the rest of town. Everyone was feeling a bit hungover, and within two minutes Carlos (the Pipa guy) was sold out of coconuts. We all know that agua de pipa is a hangover cure...and I had two. I surfed for several hours, which was an awful idea given that it made my ear infection about ten times more painful. Bah. But it was a nice day of hanging out at the beach with this lovely town, laughing with old friends and chatting with the new ones. For Valentine's Day I went to Tsunami Sushi with Suzie and Pat. Shawnie had emailed Pat asking her to take me out to Tsunami and that he would pick up the tab! So sweet :) To our lucky surprise, there was a BAND playing!! Their name was "Mouse in the Toaster", a bit random, but they sounded AMAZING. We bopped our heads and tapped our feet all through dinner. Suze and I ate Sushi and Pat ordered the "fish of the day". To top it off we stopped at Pat's favorite italian ice cream place and then taxi'ed it home. I went to bed with a huge smile on my face, STILL riding high off the previous day. Life is GOOD. Taught a wonderful yoga session this morning - going home to nap now and then JAMIE D arrives this evening!! IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER!
Here's some photos from Mardi Gras (I didn't bring my camera, so photos will be flowing in randomly over the next two weeks as friends email me their photos)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Suzie and I woke up in the morning and packed PB's + Banana + Honey sandwiches, pineapple and the works for makin cocktails. I loaded up a bag with a change of clothes, sunscreen, bugspray, an extra bathingsuit and some dinero. Newman, Suz and me hopped on the golfcart and headed down to Mardi Gras central where the chaos was already full swing. Cars were pouring into town, bus loads of people, there was streamers and glitter and mayhem everywhere. I washed Adam's golf cart and began decorating it with the help of my little local buddy, Cory. We taped up signs for my passengers: the King and Queen (Vago and Margoth), and the MAYOR of PARRITA! I dressed up Newman in a velvet cape and the already-flashy golf cart was pimped to perfection. The parade started down at Barrilito and goddamn was it PARADE! There were two marching bands, a motorcycle gang and floats galor. There were gringos and ticos and BEADS being thrown in every which direction. We paraded all through town and then it ended right out front of Vago's and Lowtide. Surf was FIRING, like perfect, fast, heavy overhead firing. SO - I ditched my glitter and glamour, dropped Newman off at the house, and then headed for the waves. Got my ass kicked a few times, but also had some super fun waves. The rest of the day was a blur of more glitter, lots of music, and food. I went home to feed Newman dinner and exchange the golf cart for the truck, and as I was pulling down the hill it began to pour. ANOTHER rainy season rain. The skies opened up and it did.not.stop. There was a live band at Lowtide, the Chupacabras and despite the rain they played on. We were packed like sardines all trying to stay somewhat dry, and at some point in time somebody said "fuck it" and they left the cramped but dry oasis for a muddy, grassy, RAINY dancefloor. So we danced. In the rain. Like it was our last day on earth! Everyone was just laughing and dancing and glittering. The rest of the night was filled with dancing, dancing, dancing, drinking too much and laughing way too hard. It was a great night with wonderful friends in this magical little town. Pura Vida. Mardi Gras 2010.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Crazy for Coco.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Aceite de Coco

I know, the coconut. It seems to be a running theme...and maybe I'll stick with it.
We are going on day 3 with no water in Adam's development where I am house-sitting and dog-sitting. Les said that he just tries to think of it as "camping"...but personally, I like to flush my poo and yes, occasionally I even enjoy a shower! Not to mention the growing pile of dishes in the sink... I got keen to the water being out atleast once a week so I started leaving full waterbottles around the house. I didn't plan on the water being out for 3 full days, and unfortunately didn't have any water left in the waterbottles for the Bialetti today! And this morning I was REALLY craving coffee. So, Suzie and I cruise on down the hill to Margarita's. I'd completely forgotten, but Margarita and her daughters make Aceite de Coco right there, so for 3mil (around 6 bucks) I got a nice sized bottle of coconut oil. There are a ton of ways to use coconut oil, from cooking to cosmetics to your personal health. I did some research and below is what I've found.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that the substances found in coconuts and coconut oil can prevent heart disease, fight infections, improve the absorption of nutrients, help in weight loss and stay healthy in ways that no other fat can match.
Although coconut oil does have a rather negative reputation for being the heaviest oil in terms of saturation percentage (92%), it isn't all that bad for you. All the saturated fats in this oil is natural and has a totally different structure to those that are found in other saturated fats. The difference lies in the fact that coconut oil is made up 50% of medium chain fatty acids while the others contain long chain fatty acids. These fatty acids penetrate cell membranes more quickly than long chains, without the need for special enzymes. Also, medium chain fatty acids are sent directly to the liver, without circulating through the blood stream like other fats. Here, they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as body fat.
Here are some health benefits of using coconut oil:
Hair: Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil (as a conditioner after the shower) ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff or lice, even if your scalp is dry. The protein in the oil also helps to alleviate dandruff and to grow your hair long and strong.
Skin Care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil for the skin. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins and can be used during winters to get rid of dry skin. It has a lot of antibacterial as well as antiseptic properties. Therefore, it helps to relieve inflammation, rashes, and blisters of the skin. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.
Heart Diseases: Large quantity of saturated fat in coconut oil has led to the misconception that it is not good for the heart. However, contrary to the misconception, the 50% lauric acid in the coconut oil helps prevent various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. As in case of other vegetable oils, the saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels, and reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.
Weight Loss: The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil are good in many ways. They contain less energy and do not circulate in the blood stream like other fats but go straight to the liver and get converted into energy. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the enzymes and thyroid systems. These fatty acids are also known to speed up the body's metabolism, burning more calories.
Digestion: Consumption of coconut oil helps in improved digestion and thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The anti microbial properties of the saturated fats present in coconut oil helps in dealing with various bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause indigestion.
Immunity: Coconut oil strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Lauric acid is transformed into monolaurin by the body which is an immune boosting antiviral, antibacterial monoglyceride which the body uses to destroy viruses such as herpes, influenza and even HIV.
Infection: The lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil make it uniquely effective in fighting all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Caprylic acid in particular is known to kill fungus and yeast. Coconut oil kills viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, hepatitis, SARS, etc. It also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, etc. Coconut oil is also used to promote healing. When applied to infections, the oil creates a chemical layer that protects from external irritants such as dust and bacteria. It is also known to expedite the repairing of damaged cells and tissues.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Agua de Pipa, The Fluid of Life.

Coconut water is the clear liquid inside young coconuts, not to be confused with coconut milk. As the fruit matures, the coconut water gradually is replaced by the coconut meat and air. A very young coconut has very little meat, and the meat is very tender, almost a gel. Coconut water has long been a popular drink in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands like Hawaii and the Caribbean, where it is available fresh, canned or bottled. It is naturally fat free and low in food energy.Coconuts for drinking are carefully packaged and sold in many places. These are typically Asian coconuts whose outer green husk has been removed, and the remainder wrapped in plastic. In Central America, particularly in Costa Rica and Panama, it is found and sold in strategic highway stops or on the beaches; there, the coconut water is called "agua de pipa", and the coconut is cut in front of the customer to ensure its freshness.

Coconut water is the only natural substance that can be injected into the human blood stream as an intravenous fluid. In fact, it is even used in some developing countries in lieu of medical saline. A cup-full is low in calories, contains more electrolytes than most sports drinks and has more potassium than a banana.
Besides athletes, why do people need all that potassium? Aside from preventing muscle cramps, potassium has a slew of other health benefits for the body and mind. The Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center for Optimum Health cites several studies that associate increased potassium intake with decreased risk of stroke, higher bone density in premenopausal, perimenopausal, postmenopausal women and elderly men, the prevention of kidney stones and the lowering of blood pressure.
Other recent studies explore the relationship of potassium and the brain. Can potassium compete with Prozac? Yes, potassium has been shown to help with PMS and mood disorders with symptoms such as irritability, fatigue and confusion. Depression, for instance, can result in potassium deficiency and acute anxiety. So, is a serving of coconut juice the answer to all of our ailments? Certainly not, and, as with most natural remedies, the FDA is far from supporting any health claims.
So try for yourself, next time you have a tension headache or worked out really hard or are feeling cranky from PMS. The water fresh from a just-cracked coconut tastes sweeter, richer and denser, but the available packed choices from ZICO and Vita Coco are really good.
Health Benefits — Coconut Water:
- contains high-levels of potassium
- the only natural substance that can be injected into the human blood stream as an intravenous fluid
- contains more electrolytes than most sports drink
- low in calories
Here is a clinical analysis of coconut water calories in (one cup) 240 gm of coconut water. The amount of various main nutrients is given in grams. The calories in coconut water of this quantity are only 46, out of which only 4g comes from fat! Coconut water obviously is made up of more than 95% water! I mention only the nutrients which are high by proportion here.Nutrient | Weight Fraction(gm) |
Total Fat | 0.5 gm |
Sodium | 252 mg |
Carbohydrates | 8.9 gm |
Protein | 1.7 gm |
Health Value of Coconut Water
Coconut water is one of the most pure and unadulterated drinks you could ever have, as it is sealed airtight by nature. You need not be worried about coconut water calories, as the amount of benefits you get from it far outnumber its calorie count! Here are some of the important coconut water health benefits.
- The best thing about coconut water is, that it contains zero cholesterol! It contains minerals like calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium! It also contains vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamine and Vitamin C . All these nutrients make coconut a very potent health drink. It is more nutritious than milk, as it has less fats and no cholesterol.
- Coconut water is better than many processed baby milk products, as it contains lauric acid which is an important ingredient of mother's milk.
- Coconut water is used as intravenous saline fluid in many developing countries and has saved many lives! The reason that its possible to be used that way is its composition, which is quite identical to human blood plasma!
- Coconut water can effectively treat disturbance of the intestine in infants. It can be also used as a oral rehydrant in cases of dehydration in children. Coconut oil is also a versatile type of oil, with a variety of medicinal properties.
- Coconut water, by its very nature is an isotonic beverage. That is, it has the perfect balance of electrolytes in it, which is good for our body due to its right pH levels.
- It is an excellent energy drink for the old and the sick, who find it difficult to process solid food. It is a natural fluid designed to sustain life! Read more on benefits of coconut water.
There are many health benefits of drinking coconut water. It helps in relieving problems related to the urinary tract, intestines and kidneys. Coconut water helps cure urinary problems such as polyutra and strangury. It also helps in improving digestion and killing intestinal worms if taken along with a teaspoonful of olive oil, continuously for three days. Coconut water relieves the intestines of harmful toxins. It also acts as a carminative, thereby relieving the gas in the alimentary canal. Doctors recommend patients afflicted with kidney stones, to drink coconut water in addition to regular medications. Coconut water facilitates the disintegration of kidney stones and their easy passage out of the body. Monolaurin, a chemical present in coconut water, has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Thus, it is used to kill pathogens such as cytomegalovirus and the Herpes virus. It is also used to reduce vomiting in patients suffering from typhoid and malaria. Coconut water is also used in blood transfusion, since it has properties that are similar to blood plasma. It is also used as a substitute to the standard fluid IV for intravenous hydration.
Along with the above mentioned uses, coconut water provides the following benefits.
- Coconut water raises the level of metabolism in the body.
- Since coconut water is isotonic in nature, it is used in rehydrating the body.
- It helps boost the blood circulation and maintains the pH of body fluids.
- Intake of coconut water keeps a tab on weight gain and also helps control diabetes.
- Coconut water is considered to be more beneficial than milk and orange juice. It doesn't contain the fats and cholesterol present in milk. The excess calories found in orange juice too are absent in coconut water.
- It is also used to get rid of the swelling present in hands and legs.
- Can help stop sugar and alcohol cravings.
- Aids digestion of all foods.
- Has a toning affect on the intestines, even flattening the abdomen!
- Maintain youthful skin, with many people reporting a better complexion. Additionally, you may notice brown age spots on the skin fading away -- and skin tags, moles or warts drying up and disappearing.
- Contains high levels of valuable minerals, including potassium, natural sodium, and chloride, which explains why hair, skin and mails become stronger and have a prettier shine.
- Appears to have a beneficial cleansing effect on the endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary and ovaries). Women find their periods are cleaner and healthier and some who had experienced early menopause have found this important monthly cleansing returning again.
- Increases energy and gives you an overall feeling of health.
- Beneficial for dehydration and hangovers.

Friday, February 5, 2010
Cailin the Caterer.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Just Call Me Jellybean.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
En Fuego
As Shawn would say, I woke up this morning totally "en fuego".
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Machete's and Ice Cream...every girls dream.
So few days yet so much to say! Yesterday morning (Monday) Shawn, the Germans and I caught a ride with Noah. Swell was super small – waves were nearly non-existent out front in Oeste. We ended up in Bejuco and were lucky to catch waist/chest high waves with overhead sets…firing. The big sets closed up, but I was going ape shit on the smaller waves. Super fun, super fast with a really clean face. The water was crystal clear – you could see your shadow on the sea’s floor all the way outside in the lineup. Noah is a really phenomenal longboarder…tall and super lean, and graceful as could be, just not nearly as sexy as Shawn. For all of you Jersey-folk back home, I would compare his surfing to that of Brian Bowen. Super smooth and inspirational. Love surfing with him. We dried off our boards and rinsed off our feets (did I mention that Noah is a very “particular” about everything?) before getting into his truck and heading home. Arrived home just in time for Yoga and I was delighted to have a full class, with new faces! I love that people are interested in yoga and excited about the class. Among the new yogi’s were Kyle (lovely lovely lady married to a local Tico Dennis) and her ADORABLE son, Elliot. Elliot is 4 years old. His favorite yoga position is “THE DOG!!”. He participated in the first few minutes of class and retreated back to his mat for Savasana. In between he was very quiet and mindful of the class going on. I was so impressed by this young man. Another new addition was a Tica woman from Esterillos Este. She is very new to yoga, only having practiced from a book. She was weak wrists and has had some bad pains in her back. I was so impressed that it was her first class – she followed along with the flow as if she’d been practicing for several weeks. I really love my yoga classes…I feel amazing after every class, and I certainly attribute that to the great, dedicated group of students I have acquired. After yoga the Germans took Shawn and I out to lunch @ Margarita’s as a “thanks” for the dinner parties and rides to the surf. Shawnie and I both had Arroz con Camarone’s and we BOTH cleaned our plates. Pat & Legend Mike also joined us for lunch and Mike, as always, provided some quality entertainment. Stuffed to the gills, we stuffed ourselves into Mikey’s little car: Jeff, Shawn, Me, Pat, Mike and Mikey’s pooch Paloma. We had all of our boards on top as we headed into Jaco to run some errands. I went straight to the hardware store for something that I’d had in mind for several weeks now: a MACHETE. I figured with Shawn outta town for the next month it would be good for my own personal safety up on the hill and would also come in handy to help appease my agua de pipa obsession. For a little more than $4 (“Gringos should not own machetes, and Ticos should not own power tools”) I walked out of the store with machete in hand, and then headed with gang for some Italian ice cream up the street! What more could a girl ask for?! We stopped in Hermosa for some waves on the way home, and ended up a bit down the way at Tulene. The tide was uber high (which I will explain later in the blog) and it looked a bit funky. Jeff Pace, who just arrived from frigid and flat New Jersey, was frothing at the mouth and before you could snap your fingers he was waxed up and in the water. Shawn and Mikey followed, but I was skeptical and sat on the beach for a while to scope it out. The waves were decent size, about chest high…but there was so much water out there and the swell didn’t quite seem to know what it wanted to do. It didn’t help that the tide was on it either. A half hour passed, the wind died down and the swell cleaned up. As the tide continued to increase, the swell increased as well. Almost twice as big as when the boys had paddled out. I waxed up and joined the lineup, having a solid hour of solid, super fun waves. TWO great sessions in ONE day, AND a machete! BAH. Life is good. Shawn knocked some coconuts down from the trees, used the new machete to get to the agua, we refreshed ourselves with “natures natural Gatorade”, the sun set and we were off – back to Oeste. We had a beer at Lowtide Lounge with the crew, loaded up into the golf cart and came home for Shawn’s last (lets hope not) supper. I whipped up some delicious grub, Shawn packed his bags and I fell asleep on the couch. Woke up this morning, still smiling from yesterdays surf sessions and machete purchase. We checked the waves, which were truly nonexistent thanks to this freakish high tide and then came back up to the house for some tranquilo hang time before Shawn leaves for his month-long journey through Central America in a truck with Adam and Keeley. I can’t wait til he returns with all of his stories…cause there are BOUND to be a bountiful amount of off-the-wall, laugh so hard that your stomach hurts, absolutely ludicrous tales (probably poop stories). Safe travels Shawnie.
So, it’s Tuesday afternoon. Shawn left around 9 and shortly afterwards I walked down the hill to check the waves. As high as the tide came up, it seems to have retreated even faster. No bueno. I watched a podcast on (michelle’s AMAZING yoga blog) about hip opening sequences and then walked back up the hill for some Q.T. with Newman. Soon after arriving back at the house Suzie knocked on the door! She had been in the mountains the past few days, and now she is back until November 27th! Hooray! I have a partner in crime for Mojito’s this afternoon! Threw the coconut around for Newman, made Suzie and I French toast for lunch, and now we are getting ready to head down the beach. Hopefully I will catch some fun waves later this afternoon, but if not then I’ll be several mojito’s deep! Pura Vida.
quick update: sitting at lowtide right now, sipping mojitos with susie and noah, made by the WONDERFUL miss Roni! caught a ride with noah to hermosa and surfed some so-so waves. headed back to the house for some coconut curry :)