I had hoped to spend $20usd/day while in Sri Lanka. In the end, 3 "luxury days", some shopping, along with taxi costs to and from the airport it brought it up to $30/day. Definitely not bad for having beautiful, perfect days in paradise. I've used one razor, a small travel bottle of conditioner and have only ruined one shirt since my arrival. I wash my underwear in the sink and have only done "laundry" once, washing a few dirty items in my sink with Dr.Bronners Lavender soap and hot water from my kettle. I've read three books and only have had 4 coffees in the past 30 days. I have eaten rice and curry every single day, and aside from having pasta one night here at Asanka, I have not eaten anything other than local food. I feel healthy and happy and on the right path, and I'm super excited about the next leg of this journey....

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