I've always been told that I was an old lady living in a young body. But this year my travel habits have definitely become a bit more 'old lady', erring on the side of quiet and comfort instead of indulging in the young, hip backpacker scene. So instead of paying 200-300 Nepali rupees ($3usd) a night for a dorm style room with a shared bathroom, I'm staying at the Little Tibetan Guest House, where my room is 650nrs a night (about $7). My room is huge, I have a big beautiful bathroom with hot water, I have a table and sitting room inside and outside (on my patio), and I even have a closet to hang my clothes. There is wifi, towels, and toilet paper. How luxurious! But my favorite of all is that it's set in the most beautiful fauna in a quiet courtyard, which reminds me of the "secret garden". And the youngest person that stays here, aside from me, is in their late 40s- with most of the guests in their 60s. Yep, this is my kind of place. I feel like a stubborn old grandma at the moment...coming from India, this scene is a bit of a culture shock. In India there is no meat, no alcohol, and certainly NO SHORTS OR TANK TOPS. There is also very little public display of affection, and it is a modest place in general. Arriving here was a rude re-introduction to the "west". Yesterday, the Hindu festival of Holi, and girls were walking around in short shorts and tank tops with their tatty's hanging out. I was in shock. People were roaming the streets with beers in their hands and "getting amongst it". Maybe if I hadn't just come from rishikesh then I would look a this is a different light. But I *did* come from Rishikesh, and this isn't my scene, so I found that yesterday I was really struggling. And I have felt the pressure to trek here, because I'm in the most beautiful trekking capital in the world, but really- I could give a shit about trekking! It's never about where I am, or what I'm doing- the importance is on who I'm sharing that with. And if I can't share the Himalayans with the people that I love, well- I think I'll pass. So, Nepal - it's just not my vibration right now. At another time it will be, but I found myself yesterday super anxious, sad and discontent...three emotions that I refuse to purchase and allow in my life. The solution: get the hell outta here. I've had a beautiful time, and now it's time to go. I'm going to do a short day hike, buy some Nepali goodies, and maybe even raft my way back to Kathmandu- but I'm Sri Lanka bound in the next week. My motto: "when in doubt, don't think about it, surf about it". I think my time in the water is log overdue. Namaste my friends!

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