Home is where the heart is, and my heart wasn't at Lahirus Guest House where I'd been staying. It's a great spot, but my friends Nir and Ziv are renting a house for the season so I moved my stuff into one of the rooms there. I have been referring to it as the "Israeli House" {to Nirs dismay...israeli surfers dont have the best reputation around these parts}.The room is big and beautiful, with the breeze constantly blowing and a full power fan. I can sleep at night without a mosquito net and they have two very.large.dogs here, which makes me feel safe at night (it also doesn't hurt that the boys are Israeli, so they've obviously spent years in the army...). We have a big kitchen and a wide open living space, fresh coconuts in the trees, and best of all- I have Nir and Ziv. These men would give you the shirt of their back if you needed it. They will make you laugh until your stomach hurts, and they offer up that special bit of love and "family" that makes me feel at HOME. Nir can bust sum serious dance moves, which he does spontaneously throughout the day and Ziv makes up a delicious fruit smoothie (always in the middle of the afternoon when the heat makes you crave something cold and sweet). All in all, I'm super pumped on my move, my new casa, and my new roomies. I love cuddling with the dogs in the morning and laughing with the boys in the evening.

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