I love my cousins...love love love looove. Tierney (aka "TC"), Mags, and T's boyfriend David. I'm obsessed with David-- he is amazing and I can't wait for him and T to get married, have babies and live happily ever after. TC is equally epic, and when you put the two of them together it's just a winning combination! They rolled into town late Wednesday night, and then David woke the girls up and drug em to my early Thursday morning beach yoga class. We had a blast, and I was impressed with their balance abilities, despite their non-existent yoga practice.

David & T, laying in a supported, heart-lifting savasana, holding hands.
I had work to do, so while I was working hard they headed to the beach to soak up some rays. An epic dinner was in order, of course! I cooked up a feast: kale and mango salad, venison burgers on the grill, baked potatoes (fresh from our garden) on the grill, and a fresh blueberry pie. But yet another highlight were my homemade MOJITOS, with fresh mint from the garden!! At the family feast was mom, dad, me, LP, Billy Herr, David, TC and Mags. The Mojitos were deadly...sending all of us into a drunken stupor. Even Billy Herr was sipping on them, and he NEVER drinks- so he was sent into a numb-face drunk-coma after only one and consequently spent the night on our couch.
T and David, picking off fresh mint leaves for our cocktails....
As if we hadn't already had enough fun - then TC, David, LP and I headed into Sea Isle to my beloved bar, the Dead Dog. We continued the debauchery, laughed a ton, and even danced a bit to the good live tunes.
Home, sleep, wake, hangover. Took Dad for his bloodwork and out to breakfast, scrap metal with David, sushi and chop-stick-fiasco (hahahahha), a bit of catering and graphic design work for me- then back to slaving in the kitchen. Tonights menu is black bean soup, fish tacos with fresh mango salsa and guac, grilled Mexican corn and fresh peach pie!! All homemade of course! And the poison: fresh Margaritas.
I am so happy that my family is here. Bah. So happy. Despite being horribly hungover today, I was so satisfied and bubbling over with joy that I nearly exploded. G'damn, there is nothing better than eating good food and being surrounded by people that you love <3
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