Today was an outing day. We kicked it off with a booty-popping flow at 8am amongst the olive trees. Some were skeptical of "hip hop yoga", but it was an instant hit- and everyone was singing it out and laughing it up by the end of song #1 ("can I get a..." By Jayz). We ate a delicious breakfast and then were off to Orvieto, yet another picturesque breathtaking Italian village. The heart stopper was the gorgeous striped cathedral that truly captured your heart for a beat. We mozied through the cobblestones streets and passed in and out through the abundant shops peddling hand carved olive wood goods and ceramic dishes and tiles (both of which I bought...). We stopped for a bite to eat in a cafe where my mom and Cara had wine and paninis (correction: the worlds BEST paninis- smoked duck, aged cheese, and fresh herbs!) and I had a candida-cleanse-friendly caffe Americano decaffienato and a platter of salami and artichokes. They had chocolate gelato, and I pretended to hate sweets....

We left town after a few hours and headed to the hot springs in neighboring Tuscany. They are shwanky Italian style hot springs (apparently the Italians don't like to get dirty?), so there are bath robes and slippers, and the hot springs are funneled into pools and waterfalls. We had a "picnic" here in between soaking and sleeping, and sipping wine (them) and decaf americanos (me). It felt good to relax a bit- my first real relaxing day of the trip. One of my favorite things was lounging in a robe....robes always make me feel like I'm "big pimpin'" (as JayZ would say..."). It was just a luxurious afternoon. The sun is setting now over the Tuscan sky as we pack up our belongings at the spa and head back to our beautiful home. It's been a fun day, but I'm looking forward to some hot tea on the cozy couch in the house that already feels like my home....
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