Yesterday was a good day. I taught/hosted my first ever yoga party, then enjoyed a surf and some beach time with my friend Chris Paisley. After the beach we ate some food and I did a totally fucked up, intense and oddly amazing CrossFit WOD at Living Well in Northfield. I was home in time for dinner with my family which I was super grateful for. The sunset is so late right now that I was able to catch a sunset surf with Johnny DiGenni and Brooke (Serwatka...who drove down to the shore for a 24hr visit). The surf was perfect: waist high and clean, and just the three of us out. We hung at the Centennial Guest House afterwards (the DiGennis bed and breakfast in sea isle) and enjoyed wine, conversation, tomato and basil sliders and lots of laughs. Late to bed, early to rise- beach yoga at 7am and then a studio class at the OC Zen Den @ 9:30am. Both classes were great, and with 20 people at the Zen Den class the studio was packed with positivity. After class Brooke and her beautiful mama Lorraine came to the house to hang. Lorraine worked in the garden and we all enjoyed some swim time. After our swim we snacked poolside before saying our goodbyes. Tired...exhausted actually, but grateful for such a wonderful 24 hours.

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