I taught my 4th class at the Zen Den last night. At most I've had 5 people come out to the other three classes, but I was grateful for even just that- afterall, it's quality not quantity. So five minutes before class, when there was already a dozen people in the room, I was surprised that they just kept coming in! All in all there was 20 of us in a huge, intimate circle. The class focused on Forgiveness, the 6th chakra, and the Urinary Bladder meridian. We all come touched our palms together, locking in the circle, and began with chanting one round of OM. We ended class with a reclined twist, connecting arms with our neighbors. And not only did I have everyone touch, but I took it a step further...everyone looked at their neighbors and said "YOU'RE AMAZING!". And then on a bit more deeper level we then said "I see you"...and through saying this we offered up our love, support and forgiveness to the rest in the circle. All in all a super empowering class, and one of the highlights of my journey as a teacher. Again- infinite gratitude for being able to share my passion with others. Thank you to everyone who came out last night, and a huge thank you to the Queen B, Ari Green (owner of the zen den, and amazing teacher) who has offered up her space to me!! Namaste!

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