This is a word that I use rather often.
Main Entry: 1ran·dom
Pronunciation: \ˈran-dəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, succession, surge, from Anglo-French randun, from Old French randir to run, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German rinnan to run — more at run
Date: 1561
: a haphazard course
— at random : without definite aim, direction, rule, or method
Finally, after it being used several times, the Swiss and the German said "what is this random that you speak of?" They thought that it was a bad thing. For example we were out at a restaurant and they were playing a bunch of reggaeton. After a half hour of this, an old-school , pop Whitney Houston song came on. I was like "Wow, that's random". Well now, they are pros...using random at every chance they get. Hahaha. The other day a very very very heavy set woman was holding hands with a skinny man and thoralf exclaimed, "That's random". ha.
RANDom..isn't it?
Glad to see you back on track