I'm a junky for information. When I became interested in Kundalini yoga, I went up to Massachusetts for a 4 day immersion, and ordered 6 books. What I'm trying to say is that I fully immerse myself in whatever I am interested in. And why I haven't known more about my food is beyond me...afterall, we ALL know that I live to eat food, prepare food and share meals with friends. Now- I never thought that I'd say this...but I'm going vegetarian. Yep, I said it. BUT, there are some specifications that I should make: I will continue to eat game, especially that that is killed by my friends and family. Venison, fish, home-raised pigs...all good. Also, if a restaurant KNOWS about the meats that they are selling then i would feel comfortable eating this (example: chef Gordon at La Medusa not only knows the name of the local farm his meat came from, but chances are that he was most likely present at the slaughter). These types of proteins are environmentally friendly, humane, and are about as natural as it comes. My generations life expectancy is actually going to be LOWER than that of our parents...all because of what we eat. And even if you don't care about losing a few years, at least have some respect for the planet, for the sake of the generations to come.
Take a minute to inform yourself...it is your obligation as a human being.

Check out the book Eating Animals & the movie Earthlings if you can watch! Both of these lead me toward becoming a vegetarian.