1 Cabin + 9 Girls + Lots of Booze + Chips and Salsa + Pot Cookies =
...a damn good time.
We arrived, we saw, we conquered, we departed. What happens at the cabin, stays at the cabin. But I will say that we laughed a ton, ate our faces off, and drank even more. We took Leavenworth by storm -- the taxi driver will never forget the 9 ladies from the Cabin @ Eagle Creek. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Julisa and Me.

Julisa made a vanilla chiffon cake with chocolate genache and chocolate buttercream icing. Holy hell almighty. Epic. Making the buttercream from scratch was a bit stressful, but here is Julia doing her Buttercream Victory Dance.

5 minutes at the bar and I'm onstage singing...for the next hour. We turned that bar upside down and inside out.

Erin Miller the birthday girl, backing me up on the hand percussion as Julia points to me, yelling "That's my BESSST FRIENDD! THATS MY BEST FRIEND!"

After a long night out, we had a big breakfast and then cuddled into bed to watch a DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: Beverly Hills marathon.

You can only watch so many Desperate Housewives of Beverly Hills episodes before you start to feel guilty and are in need of an outside jaunt....

The Birthday Girl {aka Courtney Love} and Janice, Sweet as Honey.

Janice, Julisa and Me.

This picture sums up the weekend.

I am drug-free. I like to drink beers and sip on wine, but I don't like to smoke that maryjane stuff, and I've never tried anything. Nothing. Nada. Never. But this trip I decided to eat a pot cookie, or two. At first I didn't think that I was stoned, but in retrospect: I didn't speak more than 3 sentences for the rest of the day, and I just smiled. The smiling part is pretty normal for me, but the lack of ramble? A first.

Beautiful Barn.

Erin Miller, just rocking out - PJ pants and all.

Ugh oh, snowballs. Janice and Donnnnna.

Julie: I'm thirsty.
Erin: Me too!
Juile: Well, we can just eat snowballs!

The very beautiful, so amazing birthday girl.

Robert fell in love with us the first name that he came to pick us up in his old beat-up van. Our driveway was steep and a sheet of ice, so all of us drunkies had literally fallen, slid and stumbled our way down the hill and into the van. Some cut up their palms, others ripped jeans and were bleeding at the knees - but that didn't stop us. The following night that Robert came to get us he told us that he had a "surprise"...a stretch hummer limo. HA. Good times. Arriving to tiny Leavenworth in STYLE.

Poppin' it in 'da limo.


Make it pop.
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