My cousins Tierney and Mags have been in town the past two days, and that time has been spent on the back bay, eating delicious food, or sleeping. Day one was spent flounder fishing- and the champion for this annual event- TC, lost to her younger sis. We were blown away that Mags was the victorious one, given the fact that she is probably one of the worst fisherwomen you've ever met- spending most of her time bronzing with the pole in the holder. An amazing lunch at Mikes Seafood, followed by a long nap and then an epic dinner of Sauteed soft shells. Sleep. Wake up at 5:30am to make it out to our top secret clamming spot. You need a half tide to get into this spot, and then you have to wait out the tide. In a short amount of time we filled our bushels and then waited for nearly 2 hours before we could even PUSH the boat out. TC, Mags and I took turns pushing the boat through the shallow water- sinking up to our knees in the soft mud. We got back to the dock and then the work was only half way done! We had to rinse the clams and then sort: small ones are steamers, medium sized for half shells and the big ones for chowder/clams and spaghetti/clams casino. The big ones get frozen-- no prep- just wash them and stick them whole in the freezer! Dad was really beat up after these past two days-- but his smile is priceless. He must have said thank you a million times- telling me how happy he was that I was home- and how good it is to be out on the bay as a family. I couldn't agree more. Tomorrow AM we are up at 6- but not to go fishing as a family. Nope, we are headed up to Philadelphia to the meet up with Dads doctor. We are going to discuss the growth of the tumor and come up with a plan of attack. So: fingers crossed. Say an extra prayer tonite for Captain Snapper....

Me and Dad <3

TC...trying to defend her title....

Early morning...heading to the top secret clam spot

I've had this wetsuit since I was 12 years old....

Our Catch :)
My favorite way to eat clams is fresh from the bay, on the half shell (that means raw). When they are THIS fresh they don't need much...but a little bit of my delicious homemade cocktail sauce and they are taken to a whole new level!
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 2 tablespoons Sriracha chili sauce
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- dash of salt
- few grinds of fresh black pepper
- 3 shakes of worchestershire sauce
- 4 tablespoons prepared Horseradish
Mix together - serve - enjoy!
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