not all who wander are lost.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spontaneous And Sensational

Did a last minute trip to Galle, literally hopping into the taxi minutes before it left. It began with Luther and Adena leaving for Galle....

1. Then Agenta said he'd drive
2. Then Nir needed to go to Galle to see about a house
3. Then Mimi decided to tag along and "see Galle"
4. Then I think "well, why not?!", packed an overnight bag and hopped in.

It was a 6 hour drive to Galle. We stopped off at an artisans shop full of wooden carvings, witnessed an amazing parade, and arrived in town to let out Adena and Luther. We then proceeded to a friends of Agentas, whose home is on the river just north of Galle. It was a totally random, cosmic, spontaneous adventure, that got slightly more weird and eclectic as the night went on. We ate some pot candies, sipped some beers, danced, played music, chilled out and then ate rice and curry at 1 in the morning, which we were hand fed by our host....ah, the customs and etiquette of eating in Sri Lanka will always baffle me. Nir, Mimi and I were give. The big room with AC to share, and the three local boys piled together on the couch. It was not what I had pictured when I hopped on the taxi, but it was a spontaneous bit of fun and randomness, one of those magic nights that happen only in Sri Lanka.

This morning we sipped some tea, said our goodbyes, and then stopped into the fort in Galle for a proper cappuccino at my beloved Pedlars Cafe.

It was nice to get out of town and break up the routine, but I'm happy that we are heading back to my sweet home Arugam Bay....

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