not all who wander are lost.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How To Clean A Yoga Mat

Our "Yoga Studio" at Vago's isn't the cleanest place in the whole world. Yes, I sweep. I sweep, I sweep, I sweep. None-the-less there are sandy dogs and sandy people who walk through there every day. I have been hosing down yoga mats after every session, but it doesn't quite seem to do the trick. I did some research and found out some good ways to make your mat squeaky clean...

1. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil, two drops of peppermint oil, and two drops of lavender oil to distilled water. Mix thoroughly and place the solution in a spray bottle.

2. In a spray bottle, filled with distilled water, combine 1 tablespoon witch hazel (antiseptic) with 2 or 3 drops of grapefruit seed extract (anti-fungal) and a total of 10 drops of essential oils. You can use just one essential oil, or a combination of 3 or 4. Recommended combinations are: tea tree oil (anti-fungal), lavender (antibacterial and relaxing), citrus or sweet basil (energizing), lavender chamomile and vanilla; coconut grapefruit lime, chamomile and ylang ylang; tea tree coriander thyme and chamomile.

3. In a spray bottle, combine one part water, three parts white vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

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