not all who wander are lost.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Metta Meditation

I'm realizing just now that I never posted the other 2 (of the 4) Divine Abodes that we have practiced in Yin: Metta and Karuna. So, here you go!

A meditation taught by the BUddha himself, and is designed to bring unconditional love to your Self, your loved ones and even learn to send unconditional love to beings throughout the universe. IT will help bring peace to situations taking place in your life - and allow you to look at the world in a more positive light. Bring your attention to your breath - exhaling negative thoughts and emotions, breathing in pure light, kindness, generosity and love - breathe out anger, breathe out any thoughts or feelings of fear or failure. Relax your body. Feel your energy settle into your heart and into the present.

METTA MEDITATION (Loving-Kindness):

Begin by focusing on the heart center - the middle of the chest, just beneath the sternum. Feel the breath moving there, rising and falling. Soften the heart, let yourself be open and receptive, letting down any defenses. Very slowly move through these phrases in your mind, contemplating their meaning and letting their meaning penetrate beyond the idea to the actual feeling itself.

  • May I live in safety.
  • May I be happy.
  • May I be healthy
  • May I live with ease.
  1. First repeat this several times for YOURSELF.
  2. Now focus it and send it to someone dear to you (May you...)
  3. Send this to someone neutral. A neighbor, acquaintance, coworker, etc. (May you...)
  4. Focus on someone negative or difficult. Someone that maybe you just don't like. Now send it to them (May you...)
  5. Finally, send it to All Beings Everywhere (May all beings everywhere...)
Radiate Metta outward to all beings nearby, and gradually out to the whole planet, and finally the entire universe. At the end, come back to an awareness of breath and the heart center again, returning to the reality of your own body and this present moment.

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