not all who wander are lost.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Word Wednesday

I almost forgot!! Today is Wednesday. And from now on every Wednesday there will be a "Word of The Day". (I got the idea from my friend Rob Kulisek who was having Flannel Fridays on his blog). Sometimes I will have one word. Sometimes I will have two words. Sometimes I will have a dozen words. But look forward to this being a weekly event.

Main Entry: vo·lup·tu·ous
Pronunciation: \və-ˈləp(t)-shə-wəs, -shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin voluptuosus, irregular from voluptas pleasure, from volup pleasurable; akin to Greek elpesthai to hope, Latin velle to wish — more at will
Date: 14th century
1 a: full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : luxurious voluptuous dance> <voluptuous ornamentation> voluptuous wine> b: suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form <voluptuous nudes>2: given to or spent in enjoyment of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications

*I love the word voluptuous. I love it. Voluptuous Voluptuous Voluptuous. Perhaps it's because it is a word that was created just for my bum! Ha! It glorifies fullness! I love classic pin-up girls and Marilyn Monroe, and to me, their "voluptuous" bodies are what is truly beautiful. I mean does anyone really find the Olsen twins, Kate Moss or Calista Flockhart beautiful? For crying out loud, Sir Mix-A-Lot even dedicated a song to us big-booty, voluptuous ladies! Here are some real voluptuous beauties:

Botticelli's (Voluptuous)"Venus"

and the timeless, voluptuous, gorgeous Marilyn Monroe

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