not all who wander are lost.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

When you close your eyes...

When you close your can truly see. This is what the Buddha tells us, and I've found it to be so true...

Last night I taught my blindfolded yoga workshop at a new studio in town, YOGA DOG, owned by Steve Mullen. The space is truly beautiful, and there is a warm, inviting energy to it that is very special. I'm always surprised and grateful at the ease with which people trust me and remove their sight, but I'm never surprised by the huge smiles afterwards!!! You simply must dive within when sight is is a powerful tool not only for meditation but also to connect with your breath.

Thanks to everyone who came out, and a special thanks to Steve for hosting me! Check out his studio if you have the time....

Yoga Dog
1055 Shore Road
Linwood, NJ

Osho says, “We are not to become perfect, we are born perfect. And we are not to invent bliss, we have only to discover it. Hence it is not such a difficult matter as people think; it is a very simple process of relaxing, resting, and slowly slowly getting centered. Nobody is an exception, it is an absolute law: one who goes within, finds it - finds the kingdom of God, the perfect bliss, the absolute truth. And with it comes freedom and great fragrance. Life becomes a dance, a poetry, a constant ecstasy; moment-to-moment it goes on growing. There is a beginning in this journey but no end….”

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