I'm a bit crazy. In the past I had high highs, and low lows....which, looking back, I now realize is a total lack of balance...balance being something that I've always struggled with. I'm realizing now that you can be passionate while being balanced....passionately balanced. Boom. I give myself a large amount of time now for silence and solitude, which has contributed to a bit of settling within. With that said, I started to fall into a funk. Perhaps it was the weather, maybe it was work, or maybe too much solitude....whatever it was, I chose to remedy it with a trip to visit my amazing friend Kelly up in Villanova. As my Dad would say, "Damn! It's just like the good ol' days". Though we haven't gotten to see each other much since summer ended, we picked up right where we left off. We snacked on our usual afternoon candida-friendly spread (Kelly took an oath of solidarity this summer and ate and (didn't) drink the same candida diet with me in support!)....almond butter, brown rice cakes, hard boiled eggs, tuna fish, avocados, hot tea and CLUB SODA! We got to spend quality time with her three ammmmmazing children Oscar, Charlie and Pascale as well as getting some solo, girly best friend time. We went shopping at Trader Joes (and shouted in excitement as we found all sorts of candida friendly goodies!!), took TWO kickass yoga classes (thanks Sarra Kaufman and Erika Blazenik), and strolled the aisles of TJMaxx home goods. We picked oracle cards, talked endlessly over endless cups of tea, and co-created some epic, healthy meals in the kitchen. It might not sound like much to most, or anything overly exciting....but it was what we "do", and it was use what the doctor ordered! I cherished every moment, without holding onto it too tight. Which brings me to Erika Blazenik's class. She said something that I've said a hundred times in my classes....but she phrased it in a different way, and the new perspective gave me a whole new depth of understanding into it. As much as I love teaching, I LOVE being a student, and I'm so grateful for the wonderful teachers that I have been blessed with over the years. Erika said, "Life is only...moments. Arrival is an illusion." Boom. Wow. Sit with that statement for five minutes and digest it before you read on.
Did that grab you by the shoulders and shake you? Did you have that "AHA!" moment? *******ARRIVAL IS AN ILLUSION.**********
Life is just moments. Some seem good, some seem bad...but each and every one of these moments brought you to the moment that you're existing in RIGHT NOW. Amazing right? And you are never going to get THIS moment back EVER again, so stop. STOP. Breathe, Enjoy, Be Present. There is no destination. Arrival is an illusion.
Okay. Deep breath. It's all good, because this moment is a miracle. And every moment that we are blessed with after this one is yet another miracle.....hooray!