Thai in the NYC with JamieD @ East Village Thai. SOOOO GOOD. |
My sweet love and foodie partner in crime, Ro-Bare. |
Venison Larp + Massam Curry. |
Boom. I love Thai food...and after spending a fair bit of time in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, I got a good handle on how to prepare it. While in the city, JamD and I hit up the spectacular-slightly-dirty-hole-in-the-wall-of-a-gem East Village Thai. We had some epic chicken larb (which is actually a Lao dish) as well as a vegetable massam curry. After spending my morning coffee time with Rob back in OC, I declared a recreation - so he headed over to be my taste tester later that evening. I made the larb with ground venison from a friend, and I made the massam curry with shrimp. I'll be posting the recipes later today!
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