not all who wander are lost.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Miracles: Day Two

May Cause Miracles
Day Two
Tuesday August 6th

Day Two: Become Willing

The slightest willingness to see your life with love will be the catalyst for your greatest change. When you become willing to change, you surrender to a greater perception, a loving perception. Today's work is about letting go and surrendering to the deep desire within. When you let go, your surrender will crack open your connection to your inner guide - and the loving voice that comes forth will lead the way to new perceptions and become an everlasting companion throughout your miraculous transformation.

Morning Reflection Day 2: 
Read the passage below, then sit for one minute of silence - close your eyes and breathe deeply in your nose and out your mouth. This minute of silence will let the message set in and permeate your being.

"Today I am willing to see things differently. Today I am willing to change my mind. I know a simple shift in perception will create a miraculous shift. I know change is what I need. I surrender, I am willing, I am ready to see love. -ing, show me what you've got. Show me the way..."

Affirmation Day 2: I Am Willing To See This Differently. I Am Willing To See Love. 
Let this affirmation guide you out of fear every moment you feel stuck. Use it to open your heart and surrender to love.

Evening Exercise Day 2:
I am willing to see love instead of this...
Heads up - you may resist this practice at first. It's a little mind-blowing. Let's get started. 
Take a moment to reflect on your day, and make a list of all the fears taht came up for you today. Next to each fear write this affirmation from A Course In Miracles: "I am willing to see love instead of this." For instance, if your fear was "I'm afraid to speak up in the office meeting for fear of having my ideas rejected", simply write: I am willing to see love instead of this. Make your list of fears and then affirm that you're willing to see love instead. 
  1. breathe in: I choose to release my fear
  2. breathe out: I surrender.
  3. breathe in: I choose to release my fear
  4. breathe out: I surrender.
  5. breathe in: I choose to release my fear
  6. breathe out: I surrender.

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