I have always looked at Campari as a sophisticated drink...something that scholars and intellectuals sip on. Mary Schmeltzer {upscale, classy, Ph.D} drinks it, and the first time I tasted this refined cocktail it was surprisingly in Costa Rica!! Ha. We were at Mary's house and "everybody was doing it" - so I opted for one as well. Eh - ew - yuck. I love wine, beer and a great cocktail - but Campari and me were not on the same page. Fast forward...I've worked several parties at the Schmeltzers and I'm always very aware of the "sophisticated people" people drinking it - so last night at Rochelle's when she offered me a Campari, I decided I'd give it another go. The concoction was 1/3 fresh, homemade orange juice {geez...only Rochelle!}, 1/3 club, 1/3 Campari. I took a few sips, but apparently my taste buds have not changed too much over the past two years. I sheepishly asked to replace this cocktail with a glass of Chardonnay, and I now vow to keep my distance from this enticing, upscale red liquor.
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