Original Pig Artwork. $13
You need to buy something for your sister, and she's really into a whole retro, pin-up girl phase right now.
For $160, you send a photo to this woman and she paints you in a pin-upesque manner. The commission takes 2 weeks.
Your niece is a rockstar (koi leather guitar strap, $120):
And your grandma doesn't like to leave home without her Whiskey (personalized flask $40):
For $160, you send a photo to this woman and she paints you in a pin-upesque manner. The commission takes 2 weeks.
Your niece is a rockstar (koi leather guitar strap, $120):
And your grandma doesn't like to leave home without her Whiskey (personalized flask $40):
That's right people, Etsy's got it all. Etsy's Community is made of thousands of Etsy members with a love for handmade. So check it out. It's all about craftsmanship, and this website is not lacking at all. They sell: accessories, art, bags & purses, bath & beauty, books & zines, candles, ceramics & pottery, clothing, crochet, furniture, glass, housewares, jewelry, music, papergoods, plants & edibles, quilts, woodworking, and more!! And all 100% original!
Just ordered a gift for myself from Etsy! I like chopstixwaits stuff a whole bunch!