Jamie and I were sweating to death here at the beach and looking for a little adventure, so I said "HEY - Let's visit Mama Lee in Atenas". Lee is my good friend Ozzie's mother. I met Ozzie here in Oeste last year, and now he is living in Australia finishing up his degree and working, working, working. Last April, as a going away party, Oz had us all up to his Mom's house for some beautiful views, cool breeze and good food {Lee is an entrepenour...she owns a hotel + restaurant, restaurant/night club and several properties}. I had a night to remember, and hoped that Jam and I could recreate that goodness. I called Lee and asked about coming up and she replied "OH OF COURSE!!!". Side note: Lee is a short, round, beautiful Colombian woman...FULL of life. She is crazy and passionate and clever and sharp and sassy. We took the bus up and arrived at the Mirador a little after 10. Lee was sitting at a table, sipping coffee, in a beautiful dress she dubbed her "oh, just pajamas!". The conversation started flowing instantly. You know, there are some people who talk alot, and then there are some people who have something to say. Lee has something to say...you want to hear every word that comes out of her mouth. She is so passionate about life it's contagious. Jam and I were floating high on the views and the delightful breeze, cuddling with the dogs and basking in the sunlight. Our next adventure was heading to the hotel so Lee could take care of business and so we could see what its all about. Well...it's beautiful!! A perfect getaway in Atenas, which was voted as having "the best climate in the world" {this is true...look it up!}. We looked at photos from years ago when Lee first purchased it, and holy shit - night and day. She has created something from nothing....a truly gifted woman. Anyways, we had lunch at the hotel...homemade chicken soup sided with bananas {Lee says this is the Colombian way to eat soup}.
Afterwards we packed up and headed back to the house. We all napped, enjoying the cool breeze, and then we woke up and I cut up some fresh fruit and made some coffee. We posted up outside and chatted away. Well, what is better than a glass of red wine after some coffee and fruit, while gazing out over the mountains!? NOTHING, I tell you! So we popped open some wine and the conversations continued. Dinner arrived from the restaurant, Mirador, and then we switched to a delightfully dry Sparkling Rose. Mmmmm, good.
Finished the night with a movie and then off to bed. Woke up at 5 the next morning and made some coffee before Lee took us to her yoga class up in the mountains. It was at someones home, one of the most spectacular homes I've ever seen. About ten of us did Yoga and then in typical Lee fashion, we were dashing to our next destination. Lee had a massage, something that she does weekly, so while she was having her 2 hours in heaven we were off for some breakfast. The masseuse had an opening after Lee so I took full advantage and threw myself up on the heated massage table for a TWO HOUR MASSAGE. How much? you ask....15mil, which works out to be about $29!!!!!!!!!! And mind you, I was in there for 2.5hours! GLORIOUS. Jam and Lee went back to the hotel to swim while I was being treated, and then we cruised back up to Lee's other business, the Mirador...for some mountain views and chicken salad. Jamie and I were bumming to leave, but also stressed about the bus schedule {everything is running differently because of the Semana Santa holiday}. Lee responded "DON'T BE CRAZY" in her cute Colombian accent "I DRIVE YOU!!". So, adventure #327 of the trip began! We packed up the car: Jamie, Me, Tatiana {Lee's 17 year old daughter, who is gorgeous and can dance like you wouldn't believe!}, Lee and Oscarina {the smallest of the 3 dogs} and headed to OESTE. We arrived at my house, I whipped up some dinner, and then lucky us - the rodeo was going on just down the street from my house. We went out, we laughed, we cheered on the bulls and we yelled "BE CAREFUL" to Jamie, who of course was in the ring. Jam and I retired early, but the lovely ladies went out dancing. Next morning we wake up - I make coffee, we lounge and then I hold yoga classes at my house. We checked out Vago's, but at 9am it was packed with about 100 drunk, dirty ticos and decided that the tranquility of my house was much better. After a LOVELY yoga class I invited everyone to stay for lunch: sopa negra con huevos y ensalada. We swam in the pool, ate, laughed and relaxed. Lee and Tati left after sunset, and we were sad to see them go. But not to worry - Lee offered to pick us up on the 8th and have us stay at her house the night before our Mexico flight. She will arrange a taxi for us - which is perfect, because Atenas is only about 30minutes away from San Jose! Good things DO happen to good people. PURA VIDA.
Right now it's 5:30am, I am half way through my morning coffee and already I'm packed and ready to go for our next adventure. We are catching an 8:30am bus to Dominical and will spend a few nights in town visiting some of my old friends. Hopefully we can take some refuge up at Billy's house...escaping the insanity of Semana Santa. Wish us luck.
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