The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen
Take a deep breath...exhale. Again - inhale....exhale. I have been working around the clock. Teaching yoga in the early mornings, going to a yoga class afterwards, personal catering {buying, cooking, and delivering}, waitressing, singing, and designing. BAH. I had the busiest week of my summer these past few days, yesterday being the busiest - start to finish. I was SO in the weeds, all day. I woke up in the morning, stressed. Anxiety in my chest. Totally overwhelmed with all that I had to do. I frantically went from one job to the next: cooking, emailing, designing, lining up jobs for later in the week, getting shifts covered for gigs, and then back to cooking. BAH. One point in time I just had a meltdown, tears and all. It was good to have a release, because after I cried I felt much better. A good cry really does the body well. The only other things that make me feel this great after a stressful day is a good sweat in one of Michelle's classes or a dip in the ocean....does the mind good. I am using this photo for one of the posters I'm designing and it's so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you. {I found this old Kodak photo at Capt.Scrap in Woodbien}. I scanned the internet for a good quote about the ocean and the tears, sweat, ocean quote is what I really connected with. SO for anyone having a stressful day, working through a hard time, or you're just beat - have a good cry, go sweat it out or dive into the salty ocean :) Namaste.
I'm glad to see you've been back to Capt. Scrap'!