my horse, the asshole.

our favorite grom, jonah

carlos, pipa man, getting me some pipas...gotta satisfy the addiction.

jamd, machete weild'n mama, choppin open our pipas
Not now, RIGHT NOW.
That's my new favorite saying. And I know that hearing "Jamie D" is getting old, but I gotta say - we are just having the best time! The line that shes got stuck in my head at the moment is "Not now, Right Now!". It's been said about 1,000times a day. I'm a bit behind on blogging, so I'll fill you in on all the happenings. So JamD and me be wakin up at 5, sippin coffee in bed, surfing and yoga'n and laughin and talkin and dancin and drinkin. Suzie was getting a bit stir crazy, so she rented a car and offered to have us tag along with her to Dominical. PERFECT. So we packed up the car, loaded up Newman and we were off for D-Town. We stayed at Billy's beautiful house on the hill, overlooking the ocean - next door to John and Mary's mansion (and their wonderfully refreshing pool!). We lucked out with awesome waves, about chest to head high and clean - and we ate ALL of our meals at my favorite, SODA NANYOA. Lara (Dr.Potato) and her friend Sarah arrived on Saturday night, just in time for some drinks and then the infamous ROCA VERDE for some late night dancing. We had a blast, spent the next day at the beach and then we all hopped in Suzie's car to return to my quiet, quaint and lovely Esterillos Oeste. Now in the house was Suz, JamD, Potato, Sarah, Newman and me. We surfed the next day and everyone came to my yoga class. This week I had 25 students...and I've been averaging around 20 people per class both Monday's and Thursday's! Perfect waves. Yoga'ed, coffee'd and then headed into Hermosa for happy hour before going to Noah's new place in Hermosa Hills for dinner. I made chickpea curry and guacamole, and Jeni made roasted eggplant and red peppers...delish! 5am wake up, coffee in bed, cuddle with Newman - Jam and I hopped a surf, ate, yoga'd and then picked up the girls at the house. That night was the Oeste BOWLING TOURNAMENT, it's going to be a regular thing on Tuesday nights. I sucked, Scott won. It was fun and the whole town came out...woohoo. A little before 10pm a black Toyota Tundra pulls up - dirty and covered in hand-drawn penis's....must be the boys!! After a month-long journey thru Central America they were back: Shawn, Adam, Keely and Chad. Sleep, wake up, coffee, surf, yoga. All of us ladies had a sunset horseback riding tour in Bejuco so around 230 we loaded up Bretts van and headed out. Riding horses was: JamieD, Pat, Sharon, Lara, Sarah, Susan, and Me. Brett, Jeff, Kara and Lee went along for the ride --- to hang at the bar, waiting for us to return. Well, I had the horse from hell. A complete asshole. He bit every horse, kicked every horse, hated being in the front of the line, and hated being at the ass end. He stood still when I wanted him to speed up, and he ran full speed ahead - so fast that I couldn't open my eyes - while I was pulling hard back on the reins trying to get him to stop. A complete mind of his own, and a complete schmuck. It was a pretty fun event though -- our horses running at full gallops along the beach, my mom would have loved it. JamieD didn't have any pants, only some spandex tights that were black snake print. Ha. She's never been on a horse before, and her horse was the only one that was faster than mine!! She almost fell off once when "Miss Brown" took off, throwing Jamie complete sideways. BAhhhh. The madness. We all laughed a ton and today we're walking like cowgirls. I have a hug bruise on my inner thigh as well as multiple bruises up and down both legs. Battle wounds...but I managed to survive. This morning yoga class was at 730am. Again, I had 23 students! Hooray! Seconds after class ended JamD and Scott left for Panama, and Lara and Sarah left for Dominical. Got in a little half assed surf session, ate a breakfast burrito, said goodbye to Suzie, and am now headed to move...again. I might just leave my bags packed though, because I will be moving again in 4 days into the house on the hill. I miss JamD already, but we will just have that much more fun upon her arrival back in Oeste. Gonna head out, ice my ass and rest these tired bones....I need some sleep, not now - right now. Pura Vida.
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